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PPI Conference 2015/AG en ligne

De Wiki du Parti Pirate
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L'AG en ligne est reporté au Dimanche 29 mars (à 10h). Le calendrier complet peut être consulté sur cette page wiki.

Dans la suite des événements qui ont conduit la sortie du Parti Pirate d'Australie (PPAU)<ref>http://piratetimes.net/the-australian-pirates-leave-ppi/</ref> du PPI, l'orga se l'AG en ligne (qui était une idée du PPAU) à été laissé à la responsabilité du bureau du PPI qui à quand même voté le maintient de l'AG lors de sa réunion du 8 février 2015.<ref>voir le CR du 8 février 2015</ref> Par contre pour le moment, finit les appels à la réforme des statuts que le PPAU proposait, il ne reste que la question d'augmenter les frais d'adhésion. ( D'autres motions peuvent néanmoins être déposés par les membres du PPI ici).

Pour l'instant les motions sont les suivantes :

Motions regarding the affiliation fee

AF-1 Original motion from Paris

Title Affiliation Fees according to the original Paris proposal
Put by PPI Board
Sponsor PPI Board
Motion The fee is calculated as follows: the actual HDI of a country is taken as a exponent to 500 to get the basis fee. This basis fee is multiplied with following factors: for each elected pirate on national level times two, for each elected member of a regional parliament times 1/5, and for each elected member on a local level times 1/10. This multiplied values are then added to the basis value.

(*) For the calculation it is non discriminatory if the pirate is holding a mandate in the executive or legislative brunch.

Rationale The base for the fee calculation is the HDI (Human Development Index) published by the UNHDR http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/hdi The Idea is that the Pirate Parties from developed countries could afford a higher sum than those from the developing and the least developed ones. Also that the countries with election successes (with elected representatives) could afford more than parties that are in the process of the foundation. Please see the https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0ArWSm6bFghpEdDhDT1pTeWgzY0lRMFA1Vl9oT0Z1NlE&gid=1 for exact calculation

AF-2 Updated accapted motion from Paris

Title Affiliation Fees according to statuses and passed motion in Paris
Put by Czech Republic PP-CZ
Sponsor Czech Republic PP-CZ
Motion Acording of art. XVI of PPI Statutes[1], General Assembly determines the calculation of Affiliation Fees as follows:
  1. The actual HDI[2] of a country is taken as an exponent to 50 to get the basis fee in €.
  2. This basis fee is multiplied by following factors:
    • for each elected pirate on national level times two,
    • for each elected member of a regional parliament times 1/5,
    • and for each elected member on a local level times 1/10.
  3. This multiplied values are then added to the basis fee.
  • For the calculation it is non-discriminatory if a pirate is holding a mandate in the executive or legislative branch.
  • Affiliation fee shall not excess 1% of the member's annual income for the previous financial year.
  • Observer membership is not associated with any costs.
The first fees are due the next financial year.
This calculation of Affiliation Fees is valid for following years unless decided otherwise.

General Assembly furthermore (according to art. X(h) of PPI Statutes[3]) decides that:

  • PPI will display all the details of all the transactions, as previously decided on 1st General Assembly meeting.[4]
  • PPI is obliged to publish all the bank statements of all the accounts online
  • Until these transparency requirements are fullfilled, members are not obliged to pay their membership fees for that year

Rationale Rationale not yet provided

AF-3 Adjusted motion from PP-DE

Title Affiliation Fees according to the original Paris proposal, taking smaller parties into account
Put by Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Sponsor Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Motion The fee is calculated as follows: the actual HDI of a country is taken as an exponent to 500 to get the basis fee. This basis fee is multiplied with following factors: for each elected(*) pirate on national level times two, for each elected member of a regional parliament times 1/5th, and for each elected member on a local level times 1/35th. This multiplied values are then added to the basis value. Parties with less then 500 Members and Observing Members are paying fees on a voluntarily basis at their own discretion. No member shall contribute more then 50% of all PPI's due fees.

(*) For the calculation it is non discriminatory if the pirate is holding a mandate in the executive or legislative brunch.

Rationale The base for the fee calculation is the HDI (Human Development Index) published by the UNHDR http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/hdi The Idea is that the Pirate Parties from developed countries could afford a higher sum than those from the developing and the least developed ones. Also that the countries with election successes (with elected representatives) could afford more than parties that are in the process of the foundation. Please see the https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0ArWSm6bFghpEdDhDT1pTeWgzY0lRMFA1Vl9oT0Z1NlE&gid=1 for exact calculation

We believe that PPI need solid finances. On the same time we think, that the current proposal is to much of a burden to smaller parties. Espetially the local elected representatives are just the first step on the success road of a political party, and there is no direct immediate financial benefit to the party from its elected local members, and therefore we think that the effect on determinig the membership fee should be much smaller then proposed 1/10th and prefer 1/35th instead.

Also, no party should be paying more then 50% of all Fees, since this could create some unhealthy preassure on the organization.

Formal Motions

Title Access to medicine
Put by Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Sponsor Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

We deem the universal access to medicine and medical treatment as a human right.

People in developing and least developed countries must have access to medicine beyond the restrictions of patenting systems. Patents that hinder the fight against diseases should be subject to compulsory licensing.

Since the economics of medical technology makes research and development into non-patentable medical techniques uneconomic for corporations, state funding needs to be made available to test the effectiveness of substances, currently illegal for therapeutic purposes.

Further blocking of scientific work based solely on dogmatic arguments is no longer acceptable. Patients must not be hindered in their free choice of treatment. Well trained, responsible physicians and informed patients must have the full responsibility for choosing the substances used for treatment. The dangers of all used substances must be fully disclosed.

Furthermore, us Pirates propose a global fund for financing research on neglected diseases.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-1b Access to medicine

Title Access to medicine
Put by Czech Republic PP-CZ
Sponsor Czech Republic PP-CZ
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:
We deem the universal access to medicine and medical treatment as a human right.

People in developing and least developed countries must have access to medicine beyond the restrictions of patenting systems. Patents that hinder the fight against diseases should be subject to compulsory licensing.
Since the economics of medical technology makes research and development into non-patentable medical techniques uneconomic for corporations, state funding needs to be made available to test the effectiveness of substances, currently illegal for therapeutic purposes.
Therefore, us Pirates propose a WHO funding for financing research on neglected diseases.

Further blocking of scientific work based solely on dogmatic arguments is no longer acceptable. Patients must not be hindered in their free choice of treatment. Well trained, responsible physicians and informed patients must have the full responsibility for choosing the substances used for treatment. The dangers of all used substances must be fully disclosed.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-2 Copyright

Title Copyright
Put by Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Sponsor Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

Pirates want a fair and balanced copyright law based on the interests of society as a whole.

We strive for the abolition of information monopolies. As for now the only beneficiaries of the monopolies are huge corporations, while the market as a whole is failing. This market failure is apparent by the frequent bullying of individuals and SMEs by collecting societies and the loss of orphan works to society. Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information.

Improved public availability of information, knowledge and culture is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. Pirates therefore demand that copying, storing, using and providing access to literary and artistic works for non-commercial purposes must not only be legalised but protected by law and actively promoted. Everyone shall be able to enjoy and share our cultural heritage free from the threat of legal action or censorship.

The commercial monopoly given by copyright should be restored to a reasonable term. Derivative works shall always be permitted, with exceptions that are very specifically enumerated in law with minimal room for interpretation.

The internet as a medium should know no borders. Pirates consider artificial national barriers for cultural goods a hindrance to the global trade and demand their abolishment. A change of approach is required in the area of rights to intangible goods and their respective enforcement practices.

Further monopolies in the sectors of information and culture have to be prevented. By law, states should only allow or maintain monopoly rights for intangible goods if these are in the public interest. Any monopoly rights must be temporally limited, neither their time-span nor their scope may be expanded retrospectively.

The creation of commons, such as free software, free cultural goods, open patent pools and free and open educational material, must be promoted and legally protected.

Social life, increasingly taking place in digital spaces, must not be restricted by monopoly rights over intangible goods. The introduction of “fair use” regulations will ensure that social interactions remain unencumbered.

Each collecting society must ensure comprehensive transparency, fair participatory rights for their members and fairer contract terms for artists.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-3 Net Neutrality

Title Net Neutrality
Put by Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Sponsor Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration on net neutrality:

The principle of network neutrality must by inforced by law in each and every country to ensure strong incentives for investment, fair competition and equal treatment of everybody in the digital space.

We consider the freedom of information as an universal human right, and the net neutrality a necessary mean to it.

Everyone must be able to have access to an Internet connection that does not discriminate against any service or competitor. Traffic management measures shall only be allowed in exceptional circumstances, operated in a clear and transparent manner and only for technical reasons.

Non-discriminatory access to the Internet must apply uniformly across the whole world. We reject measures by the telecommunications companies that threaten freedom of access.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-4 Basic Income

Title Basic Income
Put by Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Sponsor Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

Pirates see labor not just as a tradeable commodity, but also as a person's individual achievement. Respect for human dignity therefore commands that each person can decide freely which occupation he or she wishes to pursue and which job to take, but also that such services be adequately compensated.

Thanks to technological development it is no longer necessary that each monotonous, senseless or even dangerous task be performed by humans. We welcome and wish to promote this significant advance. Hence we consider the goal of absolute full employment as outdated and not socially desirable. Instead, we want to achieve that all people receive their adequate share of the general wealth; to this end, we will consider the introduction of a basic income guarantee.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-5 Privacy

Title Privacy
Put by Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Sponsor Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

To preserve our rights and freedoms, and to ensure the effectiveness of law enforcement, Pirates demand that data collection and monitoring is only targeted at people who are suspected of committing or preparing a crime and only with judicial approval and oversight.

Adequate protection against crime is an important responsibility of the state. We must ensure this responsibility is fulfilled through an intelligent, rational and evidence-based security policy.

The practice of routine, automated and untargeted data collection, storage and matching is to be abolished.

Anyone subject to state surveillance should be informed of these facts in due time to safeguard against abuse.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-6 No to TTIP

Title No to TTIP
Put by Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Sponsor Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

The Assembly of Members of Pirate Parties International

  • Strictly oppose TTIP
  • Support the protest movement all over the world
  • Urge the European Parliament and both houses of the U.S. Congress not to consent to TTIP
  • Call for ex-ante and ex-post human rights impact assessments to be conducted for every trade agreement.


In case of succesfull adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-6b No to TTIP

Title No to TTIP
Put by Czech Republic PP-CZ
Sponsor Czech Republic PP-CZ
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:
The Assembly of Members of Pirate Parties International Strictly oppose international treaties enforcing broken monopolies hindering developing countries or human rights and freedoms. Thus, we
  • Strictly oppose TTIP
  • Support the protest movement all over the world
  • Urge the European Parliament and both houses of the U.S. Congress not to consent to TTIP
  • Call for ex-ante and ex-post human rights impact assessments to be conducted for every trade agreement.


In case of succesfull adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-7 Transparency of the Public Sector

Title Transparency of the Public Sector
Put by Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Sponsor Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

The public sector, including private entities carrying out work on behalf of a public body, must be transparent. Pirates believe that it is a fundamental right of citizens to inspect, without the need for any specific justification, all contracts or financial benefits related to the delivery of public sector or government projects and services.

Pirates advocate for general and comprehensive legislation to protect persons who expose issues that are in the public interest, such as cases of corruption, insider trading, or ethics or human rights violations (“whistle-blowers”).


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-8 Standing Committees

Title Standing Committees
Put by Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Sponsor Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Motion The Assembly of the Members of Pirate Parties International

- regard the statutes of Pirate Parties International,

- consider the exchange of experience among PPI Members among of top priorities for the PPI,

- striving to create more opportunities for Member involvement into PPI day to day business,

- whereas we must develop our common operating capacity,

- wishing to expand the organisational oversight over PPI,

decides the following:

The Board is given the duty to take the necessary steps in order to establish a standing commitee infrastructure within PPI.

At least, the following committees are to be established:

  • standing committee on elections and campaigning
  • standing committee on party finances and fund raising
  • standing committee on public and press relations
  • standing committee on new parties
  • standing committee on INGO relations
  • standing committee on PPI budget, oversight and transparency.

Each ordinary member of PPI should have at least one seat in all of the standing committees. This includes one standing member and up to two deputies. The Board of PPI should take committee recommendations into consideration, when making decisions.

Each standing committee should convene two to four times per calender year on a regular basis.

Every standing committee should have a support of a PPI board member who is responsible for it.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-9 Individual ‘Global Pirate Membership’ from supporters

Title Individual ‘Global Pirate Membership’ from supporters
Put by Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Sponsor Flag of Germany.png PP-DE
Motion The PPI General Assembly should consider the inclusion of individuals and individual organizations as supporter members of PPI.

Individual ‘Global Pirate Membership’ from supporters. PPI should cultivate a global identity amongst Pirate supporters by soliciting individual membership fees equivalent to €10 per year. Member Parties should solicit PPI supporter membership during their own regular campaigns.

In case of a positive indication by the oGA, PP-DE would prepare a Statutes Amendment Proposal to incorporate such individual supporter membership to be tabled at the Warsaw GA in July 2015.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

Proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure

RP-1 Boards proposal - proposal from the public consultation from March 8th


Title New Paragraph for Online GA
Put by PPI Board
Sponsor PPI Board
Motion Introduce the new section

Art. 7a Online Assembly

  1. For an online assembly all delegates are remote and therefore there is no

need for a local proxy, deviating from the Art. 3.

  1. Deviating from Art 5 No. 3: motions and countermotions must be proposed

by email. An appropiate address will be announced by the chair at the beginning of the meeting.

  1. Deviating from Art. 6: votes are given by division of the assembly having

yes, nay and abstain as an option.

  1. Deviating from Art. 7.: a procedural motion is indicated when somebody

enters the online-room "procedural motion".

Rationale New text in whole:

Rules of Procedure of the PPI General Assembly

Art. 1 General

  1. All references to titles or persons in the masculine form in this document apply by analogy to the feminine form as well.
  1. This rules of procedure governs the course of the PPI General Assemblies meetings until decided otherwise.
  1. The General Assembly is composed of all the Members of Pirate Parties International, represented by a delegate or delegates not exceeding six from any one Member Organization. <ref>Statutes IX(1)</ref><ref>Statutes IX(4)</ref>
  1. All local and remote delegates must present written authorization from a member of their respective board unless they are designated International Coordinator or equivalent on their parties official website. Each person may represent as a delegate no more than 2 parties. <ref>Statutes XI(3)</ref>
  1. Ordinary Members of PPI are eligible to vote.
  1. All Members of PPI are eligible to submit motions.<ref>Statutes IV(4)c</ref><ref>Statutes V(2)c</ref>
  1. Any official debate and voting may only continue when a third of Ordinary Members are represented locally or remotely.<ref>Statutes IX(5)</ref>
  1. The Rules of Procedure must be adopted by a simple majority of the Ordinary Members present or represented and voting and enter immediately into force.<ref>Statutes IX(1)</ref>

Art. 2 Hearing Process

  1. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the General Assembly shall be appointed by the PPI Board.<ref>Statutes XIII(1)e</ref>
  1. The Chairperson may resign during the Meeting. Then a new Chairperson is appointed by the PPI Board.
  1. The Chairperson leads the proceedings, recognizes speakers, and maintains decorum and order during the meeting.
  1. The Chairperson sets details of the procedure.
  1. The Chairperson announces the election and referendum results.
  1. Requests for the floor by local and remote delegates or PPI Officers are acknowledged in the order received. In questionable cases the Chairperson decides. Chairperson can not participate in the debate.
  1. The Chairperson can yield the floor to speakers who are not members of delegations.
  1. The Chairperson can yield the floor to speakers and the person who made the motion also out of turn.
  1. If a speaker deviates too much from the motion at hand, the Chairperson admonishes him to speak to the subject.
  1. If a speaker disregards the warnings and calls to order of the Chairperson, the Chairperson may deny him the opportunity to speak.

Art. 3  Remote delegates

  1. The Chairperson appoints a proxy person through which the remote delegates may act.
  1. The remote delegates must communicate with the proxy in a traceable way. (i.e. a text chat).
  1. The remote delegates may request the floor to make a statement or ask a question by explicitly writing so. The proxy person will then request the floor on their behalf, be recognized by the Chairperson in turn and read the statement or question aloud. In the case, that the technical possibilities allow it, an audio or video transmission may be used.
  1. On voting, the proxy will relay the full question and the votes from the remote delegates.
  1. The vote of a remote delegate can be submitted by e-mail or other recordable way on the direct way to the tabulator or his proxy.

Art. 4 Agenda

  1. The Board proposes an initial agenda draft.<ref>Statutes XIII(1)e</ref>
  1. Each Member may propose changes to the agenda.
  1. The agenda must be approved before any other debate starts.

Art. 5 Motions and countermotions

  1. The Members may make motions.
  1. The Members may make countermotions to the motions on the table.
  1. Motions and countermotions must be proposed in writing.
  1. Motions and countermotions are presented, debated and handled within the appropriate agenda item.
  1. Every motion or countermotion must come with a justification.
  1. Every motion or countermotion must have a subject that can be voted yes or no.
  1. Every countermotion has to point out clearly the difference to the original motion.
  1. Motions already submitted, defeated or declared as unacceptable as such motions, can not be submitted.
  1. Proposals, including the Statutes Amendments Proposals, may be changed by motions and countermotions before they are accepted only in the intention given by original proposal.

Art. 6 Voting

  1. Motions independent from others are voted on one after the other.
  1. Motions subsidiary to others are voted on before the main motion.
  1. If Motions are competing, they are put to voting against each other. A Member can vote for as many proposals he like, and the one with the most votes wins. The Assembly votes than on the wining Motion.
  1. Before a vote, the Chairperson reads the question aloud. The full question is recorded in the minutes.
  1. A motion is passed by a simple majority of the Members present or represented and voting. In the event of a tie, the motion is defeated. Abstentions are not taken into account.<ref>Statutes XI(1)</ref>
  1. Decisions concerning the admission of new Members,<ref>Statutes III(4)</ref> the exclusion of Members,<ref>Statutes VII(2)</ref> the determination of the annual affiliation fee<ref>Statutes XVI(1)</ref> and the amendment of Statutes<ref>Statutes XX</ref>, shall be passed by a two thirds majority of the votes cast. Abstentions are not taken into account.<ref>Statutes XI</ref>
  1. The delegates vote by raising their "yes", "no" or "abstention" voting card. The voting may also be conducted with written ballots. The ballots should identify the delegation voting and are counted openly.
  1. The tabulation of votes is performed by a tabulator named by the Chairperson.
  1. All votes from all delegations will be recorded one by one, except for procedural motions. The results are recorded in the minutes. These delegates who wish their vote recorded may request so.
  1. All votes will be cast openly. As there are only delegates present and voting, there is no need for a secret voting.

Art. 6a Elections

  1. All candidates to any body of the PPI must be proposed by an ordinary or observer member of the PPI.<ref>Statutes IV(4)b</ref><ref>Statutes V(2)b</ref>
  1. Candidates can request for the floor during the Hearing Process for their respective elections. All candidates inside the same election should be given equal opportunity to present their candidature.
  1. If there only one candidate for a position an open voting according to RoP Art.6(7) can be held. At the request of any delegate the voting is conducted with ballots.
  1. If there are multiple candidates for a position the voting is conducted with ballots.
  1. Elections for multiple position can be combined on the same ballot.
  1. Election Method
    • a) Before the voting, the number of elected positions should be decided, if Statutes require to do so.
    • b) Every Ordinary Member may vote "yes" for any number of candidates.
    • c) The candidates that has achieved a simple majority of the "yes" votes from Ordinary Members present or represented and voting on them<ref>Statutes X(1)</ref> are elected in the order determined by number of "yes" votes accumulated. Abstentions are not taken into account. In event of a tie where order matters, deciding elections are held, where only one "yes" vote per Ordinary Member can be cast.
    • d) If the decided number(Art. 6a(6a)) of positions is not filled, additional round of elections is held unless decided otherwise.
  1. Other provisions from Art. 6 apply accordingly.

Art. 7 Procedural Motions

  1. Procedural motions (on debating, voting, or electing) can be made and justified at any time out of normal speaking order. Requests for procedural motion is made by delegates with a time-out signal (hands in the form of a "T") to differentiate from a request for the floor.
  1. Procedural motions are the following:
    • a. Procedural motion to alter the order of the agenda;
    • b. Procedural motion to table an agenda item;
    • c. Procedural motion to modify a motion; If the original proponent is not against these modifications, they are adopted.
    • d. Procedural motion to change the Rules of Procedure;
  1. In disregard of Art. 5, the following procedural motions does not need to be submitted in writing. They also pass, if nobody speaks against:
    • a. Procedural motion to alter the order of the voting;
    • b. Procedural motion to suspend the meeting. A time frame must be given;
    • c. Procedural motion to limit floor time for speakers;
    • d. Procedural motion to close a speakers list; Additional speakers needs to request the floor, after that, the speaking list is closed.
    • e. Procedural motion to reopen a closed speaking list;
    • f. Procedural motion to end debate;
    • g. Procedural motion to postpone indefinitely a motion;
    • h. Procedural motion to end the agenda item;
    • i. Procedural motion to call for a straw poll; The straw pool must be able to be answered with a "yes" or "no" and be related to the question at hand. The question may not be directed at identifiable persons. The results shall not be counted, only the general outcome is recorded, and have not any additional effect.
    • j. Procedural motion to not hold additional round of elections;
    • k. Procedural motion to re-appoint the chairperson;
    • l. Procedural motion to recount the votes;
    • m. Procedural motion to revoke a decision of Chairperson; must be proposed immediately after the decision is announced.
    • n. Procedural motion to asses the quorum. If the quorum is not established, the Chairperson announce a time until that the Assembly is in recess. After the break the assessment of quorum repeats.
  1. In the event nothing else is ordained, in all these cases the debate shall be suspended until the procedural motion is handled and the vote taken.
  1. Procedural motions are passed by simple majority. Abstentions are not taken into account.

Art. 7a Online Assembly

  1. For an online assembly all delegates are remote and therefore there is no need for a local proxy, deviating from the Art. 3.
  1. Deviating from Art 5 No. 3: motions and countermotions must be proposed by email. An appropiate address will be announced by the chair at the beginning of the meeting.
  1. Deviating from Art. 6: votes are given by division of the assembly having yes, nay and abstain as an option.
  1. Deviating from Art. 7.: a procedural motion is indicated when somebody enters the online-room "procedural motion".

Art. 8 Minutes

  1. The Chairperson appoints the keeper of the minutes.
  1. The minutes record a summary of the debate and the decisions taken.
  1. The keeper publishes the minutes within two weeks after the Conference on the PPI website and announce the publication by mail to all Members and PPI organs.
  1. After publication the Members or PPI Board may object to the minutes within four weeks. If no objections have been tendered, the minutes stand accepted. If there are objection the keeper corrects the minutes and the respite restarts.



L'invitation officielle (envoyé sur la ML) précise que:

“Everybody is welcome
Each PPI member can register up to six persons as official delegates (PPI Statutes IX.4), but all Pirates and interested persons are very welcome to join as guests.”

Pour rappel, les statuts du PPI :

(1) The goals of the association are:
a) to act according to the major interests and goals of its Members,
b) to raise awareness and widen the spread of the pirate movement, and
c) to support the pirate movement and strengthen its bonds internally and externally,
d) to promote and support Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
(2) To accomplish these objectives the association shall, among other things:
a) provide for and extend communication between the Members of the association,
b) assist in the foundation of new pirate parties,
c) organize and coordinate global campaigns and events,
d) act as mediator or arbitrator for any disputes between Members if requested to do so,
e) share information and coordinate research on the core pirate topics,
f) contact NGO’s, administrations and international organizations, and
g) act as a contact centre for the pirate movement.
Andrew Reitemeyer (Parti pirate de Nouvelle Zelande) a rédigé un article sur PirateTime et pose la question à tous les pirates sur ce qu'ils pensent de l'avenir du PPI. Un sondage est disponible en fin d’article. Vous pouvez choisir deux réponses pour le vote - Le sondage restera ouvert jusqu'à la date d'AG en ligne (2015.03.29)
