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PPI Conference 2015/AG en ligne
Dans la suite des événements qui ont conduit la sortie du Parti Pirate d'Australie (PPAU)<ref>http://piratetimes.net/the-australian-pirates-leave-ppi/</ref> du PPI, l'orga se l'AG en ligne (qui était une idée du PPAU) à été laissé à la responsabilité du bureau du PPI qui à quand même voté le maintient de l'AG lors de sa réunion du 8 février 2015.<ref>voir le CR du 8 février 2015</ref> Par contre pour le moment, finit les appels à la réforme des statuts que le PPAU proposait, il ne reste que la question d'augmenter les frais d'adhésion. ( D'autres motions peuvent néanmoins être déposés par les membres du PPI ici).
- Pour l'instant les motions sont les suivantes :
AF-1 Original motion from Paris
Title | Affiliation Fees according to the original Paris proposal |
Put by | PPI Board |
Sponsor | PPI Board |
Motion | The fee is calculated as follows: the actual HDI of a country is taken as a exponent to 500 to get the basis fee. This basis fee is multiplied with following factors: for each elected pirate on national level times two, for each elected member of a regional parliament times 1/5, and for each elected member on a local level times 1/10. This multiplied values are then added to the basis value.
(*) For the calculation it is non discriminatory if the pirate is holding a mandate in the executive or legislative brunch. |
Rationale | The base for the fee calculation is the HDI (Human Development Index) published by the UNHDR http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/hdi The Idea is that the Pirate Parties from developed countries could afford a higher sum than those from the developing and the least developed ones. Also that the countries with election successes (with elected representatives) could afford more than parties that are in the process of the foundation. Please see the https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0ArWSm6bFghpEdDhDT1pTeWgzY0lRMFA1Vl9oT0Z1NlE&gid=1 for exact calculation |
MO-1 Access to medicine
L'invitation officielle (envoyé sur la ML) précise que:
- “Everybody is welcome
- Each PPI member can register up to six persons as official delegates (PPI Statutes IX.4), but all Pirates and interested persons are very welcome to join as guests.”
Pour rappel, les statuts du PPI :
- (1) The goals of the association are:
- a) to act according to the major interests and goals of its Members,
- b) to raise awareness and widen the spread of the pirate movement, and
- c) to support the pirate movement and strengthen its bonds internally and externally,
- d) to promote and support Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
- (2) To accomplish these objectives the association shall, among other things:
- a) provide for and extend communication between the Members of the association,
- b) assist in the foundation of new pirate parties,
- c) organize and coordinate global campaigns and events,
- d) act as mediator or arbitrator for any disputes between Members if requested to do so,
- e) share information and coordinate research on the core pirate topics,
- f) contact NGO’s, administrations and international organizations, and
- a) provide for and extend communication between the Members of the association,
- g) act as a contact centre for the pirate movement.